Format: MOV preferred, alternatively MP4, MPG, WMV or AVI. FLV not recommended.
Max size: 200 MB
Max lenght: 30 seconds
Format: 4:3 or 16:9
Resolution: Preferred 1024x576 px or higher. At leadst 640x360.
Frames/sec: 24-30 fps
Video bitrate: minimum of 2000 kbps (VAST redirects max 1500 kbps, 800 recommended)
Audio: Minimum of 128 kbps, 44 kHz, Stereo, ACC or MP3 (preferred)
Tracking: Added separately. Only 1x1 impression tracking and click URL. NO third party javascript or iFrame tracking.
We only accept VAST 2.0 Wrapper according to IAB Standard
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